Nutanix Latest AOS Version 5.15 LTS

Latest Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS ( Long Term Support ) with AHV version AHV-20170830.395 is released on March 2020 and available to download from Nutanix portal.

Nutanix AOS 5.15 is the more stable release with few new features and lots of bugs fixes. It would be great idea to explore the Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS to upgrade it.

Lets take a deep dive to explorer the Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS.

Nutanix AOS 5.15 Features

Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS has released with lots of features and bug fixes are mentioned below:

  • VMCP-APD Support for Metro ( Nutanix Witness VM ) With VM Component Protection support for Metro Data Protection, APD situations are detected and automatic HA is triggered to failover the protected VMs on a site that is affected with storage-only failure. For details, see Data protection with Prism Element guide.
    Read more: Nutanix Metro Availability Troubleshooting
  • Nutanix is continuing support for Windows Server 2012 R2 as a guest OS. Microsoft announced the end of mainstream support and the beginning of extended support for Windows Server 2012 R2. See the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy web page for more information about the Microsoft support lifecycle for Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Read more: Nutanix AHV Supported Guest OS List
  • Deploying a VM with sysprep using Calm
  • Upgrading Prism Central stalls unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a bug preventing remote sites from showing Tx/Rx values.
  • Fixed a bug causing failure in booting up VMs with host affinity assigned.
  • Fixed a bug preventing test cleanups failure with Cerebro not deleting the clone UUID.
    Read more: Nutanix Cluster Most Critical Services
  • Fixed a bug in rsyslog configuration where the / partition of CVM got full because the backed cache of Cadmus logs never flushed.
  • Fixed a bug preventing API service on PC VM from intermittently going unresponsive.
  • Fixed a bug preventing false warnings to be generated during cpu overload conditions.
  • The process of destroying a VM fails with an internal error.
  • Fixed a bug that breaks metadata SSD PM1643 7.7TB drive while doing CVM boot metadata.
  • Prevented the failure to load sstables errors in DRC when node is getting detached
  • When upgrading Prism Central, the pre-upgrade task stalls unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a bug preventing manage_ovs utility from making uplink changes that can potentially conflict with cluster vSwitch configuration, which might break the network connectivity.
  • The Nutanix NGT version bundled with AOS 5.11.3 (5.15) is 1.7.3.
  • The Nutanix Prism web console might not load when refreshing the page after launching Prism Element from Nutanix Prism Central.
  • Fixed a bug where Prism shows NCC upgrade is in progress when actually Hypervisor upgrade is taking place.
  • You cannot create a metric chart showing CPU Usage of VMs on the Prism Element Analysis dashboard.
  • You might not be able to see any help links in the Syslog Servers page in the Prism Central web console.
  • The Licensing page under Settings is unable to load after you are connected to Portal.

Read also: Nutanix AOS STS Vs LTS

Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS Compatibility

Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS compatibility matrix is here:

5.15 LTS3.

Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS upgrade Path

Source Version – AOS / AHVone-click Upgrade to
AOS Version list
5.10,,, 5.10.1,
5.10.2, 5.10.3,,,
5.10.4,, 5.10.5, 5.10.6
5.10.7, 5.10.8,, 5.10.9, 5.10.10
5.11, 5.11.1,,, 5.11.2,,
AOS 5.15 LTS
Any AHV version compatible to above AOS version listAHV-20170830.395

Read also: Nutanix AOS Version History

Download Nutanix AOS And AHV

You can download Nutanix AOS and AHV software bundle from following links:

DownloadDownload Nutanix AHV 20170830.395

DownloadDownload Nutanix AOS 5.15 LTS

Should Upgrade to AOS 5.15 LTS ?

As per Nutanix upgrade guidelines customers should upgrade their AOS and AHV core software to latest stable LTS release to avoid any EOL and fix the bugs.


Nutanix releases frequently releases new software version with new, advance – more stable and robust form to provide the enterprise standard features and support.

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