If you are in migration phase of Windows / Linux machines Physical to Virtual – P2V / Virtual to Virtual – V2V migration and having system internal issues error: VMware converter failed a general system error occurred internal error at 95%, 96% , 97%, 98%. Even you have following list of errors during P2V / V2V migration through VMware vCenter converter tool, i have the best solutions.
P2V / V2V Migration Errors List
If your using VMware vCenter converter tool and facing followings issues / errors list:
Error 1: Failed a general system error occurred internal error
Error 2: VMware converter failed a general system error occurred internal error
Error 3: Failed a general system error occurred internal error vmware converter
Error 4: Failed a general system error occurred internal error at 95%, 96% , 97%, 98%
Error 5: Connect to local host failed a general system error occurred internal error
Error 6: FAILED: general system error occurred: Remote server closed connection after 0 response bytes.
I have the best solution, it works in most to resolve the issue.
Read also: P2V Migration Error: Unable to complete converter agent installation error code 1603
Solution 1
Always use the local administrator account instead of a domain account.
If solution 1 doesn’t work you then try Solution 2
Read also: P2V Migration Error: VMware vCenter Converter insufficient permissions to connect to admin$
Solution 2
It might be possible that your Windows / Linux Opertaing system having pending patches / updates and waiting to install and requires reboot to commit the changes.
You must cross the Windows / Linux pending pathces / upgrades packages and take soft reboot.
Note: One more thing you need to cross check that. Is that operating system supported ? VMware vCenter supported OS list
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