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Nutanix Acropolis acli vs ncli Command Explained

Nutanix acli vs ncli command explained

Nutanix acli vs ncli command explained

Nutanix is the number #1 hyper converged HCI solution in the world and growing as market leader in Hyper converged technology and Xi-cloud as well. Nutanix HCI management has multi-interface like HTML5, acli, ncli and REST API for troubleshooting, manage and execute daily or one time configuration task(s).

Nutanix native build many management interfaces to manage Nutanix Hyper HCI infrastructure.

Nutanix Command Line Interfaces

Nutanix acropolis supports two commands frameworks acli and ncli

What is Nutanix acli Command

Nutanix acli stands for Acropolis Command Line Interface (acli) to manage nutanix cluster daily task(s) related to host, network, VM’s snapshots and VMs.

Nutanix acli sub-command example:

Warning : Before run any Nutanix acli command in Nutanix CVM make sure you must have good understanding of that command otherwise wrong command(s) may impact on running VMs production.

What is Nutanix ncli Command

Nutanix ncli stands for Nutanix Command Line Interface (ncli) to manage Nutanix cluster complex task(s) and get detailed cluster information.
Nutanix administrator can run 70-80% commands through ncli to mange Nutanix cluster.

Nutanix ncli sub-commands /entities example

How to clean ncli Command History

Nutanix ncli history is stored locally on each node in the file


You can edit this file and remove the lines you don’t want to appear, or delete it to clear the whole history.

To clear ncli history on all the nodes, run:

allssh 'rm ~/.nutanix_history'

Warning : Before run any Nutanix ncli command in Nutanix CVM make sure you must have good understanding of that command otherwise wrong command may impact on Nutanix cluster and running VMS production.

Read more : Top 10 Nutanix administrator useful commands


Nutanix provide command line interface for troubleshooting and execute commands to accomplish the task if having good understanding of Nutanix framework acli and nclil commands.

It is advised by Nutanix to run Nutanix command framework by Nutanix support engineer (SRE) and Nutanix administrators only.

I hope this blog will give you better understanding about Nutanix command line framework and difference between Nutanix acli and ncli.

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