Nutanix AHV HypervisorNutanix AHV Hypervisor

If you need to tag the VLAN on vNIC interface of Guest VM ( windows / Linux ) in Nutanix AHV and/or want to pass multiple VLANs on vNIC interface of guest VM ( Windows / Linux ) in Nutanix AHV hypervisor, it is possible through the acli command line.

VLAN tagging and/or pass the many VLANs on vNIC of guest VM ( Windows / Linux ) is very common today in hacking world to secure the guest VM traffic.

Nutanix AHV is the best hypervisor that cloud enabled hypervisor today market and its free come free in Nutanix AOS bundle.

Nutanix AHV has VLAN tagging feature on guest VM ( Windows / Linux ) through the command line that is very easy to Tag and Un-tag the VLAN on guest VM on Nutanix AHV hypervisor. Read also: Collect Windows Kernel Error Memory dump of crashed VM in Nutanix AHV

Read also: Nutanix AHV: Deploy Aruba Appliance

Tag VLAN on Guest VM

Nutanix AHV: Tag VLAN on vNIC interface of Guest VM ( Windows / Linux ) hosted on Nutanix AHV hypervisor to follow mentioned steps:

Step 1: Login to any Nutanix CVM in the Nutanix AHV cluster

Step 2: Get the vNIC property of the Guest VM ( Windows / Linux )

cvm$ acli vm.nic_get < VM_Name>

Output similar like:

cvm$ acli vm.nic_get My-VM

 50:6b:xx:8e:xx:xx {
   mac_addr: "50:6b:xx:8e:xx:xx" --> Copy mac address to notepad
   network_name: "Production"
   network_type: "kNativeNetwork"
   network_uuid: "62180df7-77c6-4857-853b-6dab569da6e4"
   type: "kNormalNic"
   uuid: "69582229-264d-480a-be6a-f16529d6d7c3"
   vlan_mode: "kAccess" ----> vNIC is now in Access Mode

Step 3: Run Following command to Enable the Trunk Mode and Tag VLANs on vNIC of Guest VM.

cvm$ acli vm.nic_update <VM_Name> <vNIC_Mac_Address> network=<Virtual-Network-Name> vlan_mode=kTrunk trunk_networks=<VLAN_IDs-With-comma) update_vlan_trunk_info=true
cvm$ acli vm.nic_update My-VM 50:6b:8d:df:74:72 network=Production vlan_mode=kTrunk trunked_networks=10,20,30 update_vlan_trunk_info=true

Step 4: Check the vNIC property of the Guest VM ( Windows / Linux )

cvm$ acli vm.nic_get <VM_Name>

Output similar as:

 cvm$ acli vm.nic_get My-VM

 50:6b:xx:8e:xx:xx {
   mac_addr: " 50:6b:xx:8e:xx:xx "
   network_name: "Production"
   network_type: "kNativeNetwork"
   network_uuid: "62180df7-77c6-4857-853b-6dab569da6e4"
   trunked_networks: 10 ------> Tagged VLAN
   trunked_networks: 20 ------> Tagged VLAN
   trunked_networks: 30 ------> Tagged VLAN
   type: "kNormalNic"
   uuid: "69582229-264d-480a-be6a-f16529d6d7c3"
   vlan_mode: "kTrunked" ----> Enabled the Trunk Mode

Read also: Top 10 Nutanix Acropolis AHV Commands – Part 1

Enable VLAN Trunk Mode on Guest VM

Read more : How to To enable / disable / change the VLAN Mode to trunk mode on any guest VM ( Windows / Linux / appliance ) hosted on Nutanix AHV hypervisor to visit: Enable / disable Trunk Mode On Guest VM

Read also: Why Nutanix Adopted Prism as Service PaS ?


VLAN taggin on the Guest VM’s vNIC interface / port possible in Nutanix AHV to follow the simple single command in acli command line mode. VLAN tagging the important in large and secure infra to segregate the traffic.

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