Nutanix Lenovo IBM DellOpen a case with nutanix lenovo IBM Dell emc

Lets Explore to open / log a case with Nutanix Support, Nutanix OEM partners i.e Lenovo , Dell , IBM , Fujistu with Nutanix Support toll free number for Asian countries like India. Every hardware vendor OEM has its own procedure to open a case for their customers to work with them to resolve the issue. I will share detailed information to open a support case with Nutanix OEM partners.

Open a Case For Nutanix Hardware NX Series

If you have Nutanix NX series servers great decision you have taken again after chose Nutanix 🙂

Nutanix NX Series hardware Server Benefits

  • Best hardware quality
  • Compact size with beautiful design
  • 4 nodes with single block best selling model
  • Easy to mount and need 1 & 2 rack unit space
  • Minimum boot time, takes up to 5 minutes to get ready for production
  • Minimum power consumption
  • Minimize the Data center space
  • Minimize the cooling devices in Data centre
  • Direct award-winning customer experience support just on single call

Lets starts from Nutanix hardware NX model series manufactured by supermicro computers inc.

Open a case with Nutanix Support

To open / log a case with Nutanix support has two methods to open a case with Nutanix World Wide Support :

Method 1: Log in to Nutanix Portal
You can open /log a case to nutanix support directly from Nutanix portal website as showing below :

Nutanix prerequisites to open a case

Check Nutainx Block serial number from Prism
Log in to Prism, Go to Menu > Hardware > Diagram

Nutanix Block serial number from prism
Nutanix Block serial number from prism

Step 1: Log in to Nutanix portal

You can directly reach to nutanix portal to enter URL in your web browser if you have difficulty to remember the web address, don’t hesitate to ask me, i have another way to reach it through Prism or prism central

Just log in to Prism / Prism central > click on “question_mark ?” icon > click on “Support Portal” it will redirect you to Nutanix online portal
Superb, Now you have reach to nutanix portal.

Open nutanix portal from nutanix prism and prism central
Open nutanix portal from nutanix prism and prism central

Step 1: Nutanix portal home page > Navigate ” My Dashboard” > click on “+ Create a New Case”

Create new case from nutanix portal
Create new case from nutanix portal

Create a new case form will pop up on next page, need to fill all fields

Nutanix create a case form on Nutanix Portal
Nutanix create a case form on Nutanix Portal

Important field

Nutanix Support Case priority levels

Nutanix support has case priority level to priorities the case as per criticality.

Priority: Select the priority for this issue from the pull-down list.
There are four priority levels based on the severity of the problem plus a request for enhancement option. Select the appropriate priority based on the following descriptions.
P1 – Emergency. System is not available and productivity has been halted. Response Priority: Within 1 Hour (Production), Within 30 Min (Mission Critical)

P2 – Critical. System is available but experiencing issues which have a direct impact on productivity. Response Priority: Within 4 Hour (Production), Within 2 Min (Mission Critical)
P3 – Normal. System is having an occasional issue that has been identified as needing to be resolved, but the issue has not greatly affected productivity. Response Priority: Within 8 Hour (Production), Within 4 Min (Mission Critical)

P4 – Low. Questions about documentation, processes, or procedures. General requests about information. Response Priority: Within next two business days
RFE – Request for Enhancement. Feature requests for the product which would improve the experience or functionality for the customer.

After filled up all required fields you can proceed to press submit button
Now case is created wait couple of minutes, nutanix engineer will contact you soon via email or call.

How to check open case status ?

Nutanix portal home page > Navigate ” My Dashboard” > Click on showing “Case Number

Escalate a Nutanix Support Case ?

If you are not satisfied with resolution and facing inconvenient delay go getting resolution then customer can escalate the issue for open case to higher authority in Nuanix Support system through Nutainx support portal.

Nutanix portal home page > Navigate ” My Dashboard” > click on already open a case you wan to escalate ( new page will open) > click on Escalate button.

Escalate created case from nutanix portal
Escalate created case from nutanix portal


Method 2: You can open / log a case directly via one call to Nutanix support on Worldwide Toll Free Number
your will not believe it will take up to 2-3 minutes to open a case, Nutanix has world wide support team that works 24 x7 and 365 days to support our valuable customers mentioned Few countries Nutanix support toll free numbers here:

India : 0008001009476

US & International : 1-855-688-2649, Ext. 3 & 1-855-201-6925

Canada : 888-373-7429

Australia : 1-800-285-799

Japan : 0800-888-0193

Malaysia : 1-800-817-092

New Zealand : (0) 800-001-379

Singapore : 800-120-6399

Ireland : 1-800-556-627

Switzerland : 0800002628

United Kingdom : 0-8000885153

Prerequisites to open a case with Nutanix via call

There is few prerequisites to open a case with Nutanix Support as described below :

  • Nutanix 12 Digits Block serial number i.e 16|17SMxxxxxxx
  • Issue description: Note down the issue or take a screenshot if possible
  • Primary & secondary contact person name, email id and contact number, who will be case owner and will share remote session with nutanix support engineer

Open Support Case For Lenovo HX & IBM CS Hardware Series

Nutanix support does not open direct case for Lenovo HX & IBM CS hardware series. Customer has to open case with applicable vendor support first and support will forward your case to Nutanix Support to look into and do further issue investigation.

Lets open a case with Lenovo and IBM

There is two methods to open / log case with Lenovo & IBM below :

Method 1: By Send An Email @

Prerequisites to open a case with Lenovo & IBM

Prerequisites to open / log a case with Lenovo and IBM hardware

Check Lenovo / IBM server serial number from Prism
Log in to Prism, Go to menu > Hardware > Diagram

Check Lenovo/IBM Server Serial Number from prism
Check Lenovo/IBM Server Serial Number from prism
  • Organization name and address
  • Primary and secondary person name, email id and contact number

Write down email to Lenovo or IBM and mention required information in email body as following:

Lenovo/IBM machine type : xxxxxxx
Lenovo/IBM server serial number : xxxxxxxx
Issue: Issue description
Organization name and address: company name and address
Primary and secondary person name, email id and contact number.

Method 2: Lenovo and IBM toll free numbers

Customer can open / log a case with Lenovo , IBM to call on Toll Free Numbers 1800-102-6666, 1800-425-6666

Prerequisites to open a case with lenovo , IBM

Prerequisites to open a case with Lenovo, IBM hardware

  • Lenovo/IBM machine type : xxxxxxx
  • Lenovo/IBM server serial number : xxxxxxxx
  • Issue: Issue description
  • Organization name and address: (Optional)
  • Primary and secondary person name, email id and contact number.

Note: You will receive Lenovo/IBM and nutanix case number by email.

Open a Case For Dell EMC Hardware XC Series

Lets Open a case with Dell EMC

Dell EMC has only single method to contact to open / log a case with Dell EMC support

Method 1: Call on Dell Toll free numbers 1800-425-8045, 1800-425-9045

Prerequisites to open a case with Dell EMC

  • Dell EMC Server service tag number

Check Dell EMC server sericve tag number from Prism
Log in to Prism, Go to menu > Hardware > Diagram

Check Dell server serial number from prism
Check Dell server serial number from prism
  • Primary and secondary person name, email id and contact number

Note: Dell EMC has its own dedicated engineers team for nutanix HCI platform troubleshooting, you ask to transfer your case to nutanix support. if in case dell engineer do not have fixed solution or delaying it unnecessarily.


To open / log a case with Nutanix Support through Toll free contact number and other Nutanix OEM partners is simple through log / open a case to call, email or online portal.

#Enjoy Nutanix with HyperHCI 🙂
