Change Nutanix Prism Element and Prism Central Password

Change nutanix prism element and prism central password

Changing Nutanix Prism and Prism Central password is not complex or headache, can do that in just 3 steps, do know how ? please go through the post.
Nutanix Prism element and Prism Central both are the Nutanix management web console to manage Nutanix infrastructure completely.

Change Nutanix Prism and Prism central password is common task in organization as per best practice password policy.

Learning Index

  • What is Nutanix Prism vs Prism Central ?
  • Nutanix Prism and Prism Central Default Password ?
  • How to change Nutanix Prism Element Password ?
  • How to change Nutanix Prism Central Password ?

Nutanix Prism vs Prism Central

Prism Element

Nutanix Prism element is the one-click management engine and interface for data centre operation to manage nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure.
Prism element is the web-console known for itโ€™s beauty with intelligence built for Nutanix platform to manage invisible infrastructure.

Prism Central

Prism central is the single pane of gilas to manage multi-cluster from single web-console. Prism central can manage multi Nutanix Acropolis clusters to register them on Prism central.

Read more Nutanix Prism Core Architecture Explained

Default Password

Nutaix Prism Element and Prism Central Default Password

Web Console Credential

Userid : Admin
Password : nutanix/4u OR Nutanix/4u

Virtual Machine (VM) Credential

Userid : nutanix
Password : nutanix/4u

Change Prism Element Password From Web Console

It is recommended to change Nutanix Prism Element password periodically as per cyber security parameters. Follow steps

Step 1 : Log into Prism Element using default/custom credential

Step 2 : click on Username Admin or custom name > change password

Change Nutanix Prism element password
Change Nutanix Prism element password

Step 3 : change Nutanix Prism element password

Enter Nutanix Prism element new password
Enter Nutanix Prism element new password

Nutanix Prism Password guidelines

  • Your password must: Contain at least 8 character(s)
  • Contain at least 1 lowercase character(s)
  • Contain at least 1 uppercase character(s)
  • Contain at least 1 digit(s)
  • Contain at least 1 special character(s)
  • Differ by at least 4 character(s) from your previous password
  • Not be the same as your 5 most recent password(s)
  • Not have more than 2 consecutive characters be the same
  • Contain at least 4 of the following 4 character classes: uppercase
  • letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters
  • Not be a simple word, or a word found in the dictionary

Read more Reset Nutanix Prism Web Console Password

Change Nutanix Prism Central Password

It is recommended to change Nutanix Prism Central password periodically as per cyber security parameters. Follow steps

Step 1 : Log into Prism Central using default/custom credential

Step 2 : click on Username Admin or custom name > change password

Change Nutanix Prism Central Password
Change Nutanix Prism Central Password

Step 3 : change Nutanix Prism element password

Enter Nutanix Prism Central new password
Enter Nutanix Prism Central new password

changing Nutanix Prism Central Password is done.!

Read more Reset Prism Central Password From Command Line

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