Top 5 Microsoft Unknown ServicesTop 5 Microsoft Unknown Services

Microsoft has hundred of services are paid and free which is available for customers but most of the services are unknown for major customers and even they don’t hear about those. Today i have found top 5 Microsoft unknown services those are known by only few customers.

Lets begin the journey of top 5 unknown Services of Microsoft.

1. Microsoft Update Catalog

Microsoft update catalog is the windows OS patch update center and offer latest and oldest patches to free download without any registration.

Microsoft update catalog offer windows OS patches for client OS windows XP, vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 10 and server OS windows server 2008/R2, Windows server 2012/R2, Windows server 2016 and Windows server 2019 latest OS.

Microsoft update catalog
Microsoft update catalog

Microsoft Update Catalog Benefits

  • Download latest and oldest patches for windows OS
  • Patches downloading is free
  • Download hotfixes without any delay
  • Device drivers
  • Updated system files
  • Service packs
  • New Windows features

2. Microsoft Q&A Community

Microsoft Q&A community offer to ask question regarding any Microsoft products and have thousands of answers in database to help out the customers.

How to take help of specific product ?

Visit Microsoft community webpage and select your product to take help from Q&A if you doesn’t find satisfied answer, you raise a question and wait for reply.

Microsoft Q&A community
Microsoft Q&A community

Microsoft question & answer is very helpful community to help out to get the answer of questions.

3. Microsoft Tips Service

Microsoft Tips service is for computer geeks or techies who is interested to know windows Tricks and Tips to use it for do fun and work faster and speed up the task(s) in minimum time. Therefore Microsoft Tips provides the actually same services in term of tips and tricks for Microsoft product to make it more attractive and easy to use on finger tips.

Just select your interest product and know the new Tips and Tricks to have fun.

Microsoft Tips Services
Microsoft Tips Services

4. Microsoft Street Shops

Microsoft runs it’s own street shops across the world and sell out Microsoft products in shop, customers walk-in to do shopping of Microsoft products like laptop, devices and software.
Learn more : Microsoft street shops address

Microsoft street shops
Microsoft street shops

5. Discount For Students, Schools and Colleges

Microsoft is believe in charity for students, schools and colleges to offer scholarship and free education along with it Microsoft give attractive discount to students, schools and colleges to purchase Microsoft product to spread the market.

Microsoft offer Microsoft devices for students included software(s) in just approximately $299 and more.

Microsoft Discount for education
Microsoft Discount for education


There is lot of Microsoft services are still unknown for maximum customers, they are not aware of them. I just mentioned 5 only of them.
Do you know about those Microsoft services or products ?
Please mention those things in comment. 😉
