Since long time Nutanix engineers have been using foundation vm to re-image the Nutanix node(s) and requires basic configuration matrix from client before to power on foundation vm then kick-off Nutanix foundation process but it takes enough time to configure it.
Just imagine if have magic online tool which gives feature to pre-configure the Nutanix foundation deployment json file online from anywhere in world and just import in Nutanix Foundation VM.
Nutanix Foundation Tool
To use Nutanix Pre-configuration online tool has followings prerequisites:
- Advantages of pre-configure Nutanix foundation deployment
- Create pre-configure Nutanix foundation deployment json file
- Import pre-configured foundation json file in foundation VM
- Re-image hyper-converged node(s)
Nutanix foundation Tool Advantages
Nutanix pre-configure online tool has following advantages / benefits:
- Configure foundation deployment json file online
- Do not requires foundation VM to configure
- Can share foundation deployment file to anyone on whatsapp, email etc.
- It’s similar process as we follow in foundation VM during re-imaging node(s)
Nutanix Foundation JSON file
Nutanix foundation needs json file to re-image the Nutanix node, that json file can be pre-generate from Nutanix pre-configuration online tool to minimize the re-image time with minimal efforts.
To generate Nutanix foundation Json file, you have follow following steps as mention below:
Step 1 : Register yourself to Sign Up On Nutanix Support Portal
Note: If already registered please skip sign up.
Log in to Nutanix Support Portal ,
Following web page will open :

click on Foundation preconfiguration launch link > +Add new
Following web page will open, follow steps from 1 to 6 and fill up required fields. After completing all 6 steps, click on Download Configuration to download now or Save & Exit for later use. As per following screenshot

In next step downloaded foundation deployment json file will import in foundation VM
Import Nutanix Foundation Json File
Now time to Import preconfigured foundation json file in foundation VM and Re-image hyper-converged node(s). Just follow mentioned steps:
Step 1 : Power on your Nutanix foundation VM > log in to VM, using default credential ( User id : nutanix | Password: nutanix/4u)
Step 2 : Copy downloaded foundation deployment json file from your desktop or lapop and paste it in running foundation VM
Step 3 : Click on Nutanix Foundation icon to launch web console

Following web console will open

Now click on “Import an file” link and upload downloaded foundation deployment json file here.
All fields will be automatically filled up as per foundation configuration file.
Now just do…to..step 6, and verify filled up information once.
Shortly re-imaging of node(s) will start.
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