P2V / V2V Migration Prerequisites For Windows / Linux - Best practiceP2V / V2V Migration Prerequisites For Windows / Linux - Best practice

If you want to migrate the existing P2V / V2V Physical / Virtual Windows / Linux Servers to VMware ESXi, Hyper-V or Nutanix AHV but you don’t have any idea how to plan Physical to Virtual P2V / Virtual to Virtual V2V migration plan as per Best practice and what are the prerequisites requires before migration.

Physical to Virtual P2V / Virtual to Virtual V2V migration prerequisites as per Best Practice for Windows OS – Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019 and Linux OS – RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu etc. Before Physical to Virtual P2V / Virtual to Virtual V2V migration need to prepare the following things to avoid the lots of issue and errors.

It is recommended Physical to Virtual P2V / Virtual to Virtual V2V migration prerequisites to migrate the Windows OS / Linux OS from source to destination using any tool like VMware vCenter Converter tool etc.

Read also: Cross Hypervisor Migration To-from Nutanix AHV

Information Gathering

It is very important to get the Physical / Virtual Servers / machines list need to be migrated with detailed information. There is two way to get the Physical / Virtual Server / machines information.

First is manual and second is through software.

There is lot of software paid and free are available in market to collect the physical and virtual machines information in excel sheet and accordingly you can create migration plan.

Physical / virtual machines inventory collector software list :

Sample: Inventory information required of Physical / virtual machines as given below:

  1. System Name
  2. Server Role
  3. Owner
  4. Server Type – Physical / Virtual
  5. If Virtual Machine ( VM ) – Provide Hypervisor Name
  6. Operating System – Windows / Linux
  7. OS Bit – 32 Bit / 64 Bit
  8. Physical / Virtaul Server Status (Shut down/Powered On/Connected to Network)
  9. IP Address / Subnet Mask / Gateway
  10. VLAN Details
  11. Locations
  12. CPU Power (MHz)
  13. CPU Qty.
  14. CPU Average Utilization RAMSize (GB)
  15. RAM Average Utilization Total HDD (GB)
  16. Total Storage Capacity
  17. Drives Total Capacity, Drive Used Capacity
  18. Avg Disk IO Reads, Max Disk IO Reads, Avg Disk IO Writes, Max Disk IO Writes
  19. Server’s Migration Priority High | Medium | Low
  20. Server Criticality Level High | Medium | Low
  21. Downtime Hours:Minutes
  22. Remark – Share any important note here

P2V / V2V Migration Prerequisites For Windows

If you want to migrate the Windows System P2V / V2V – Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019.

P2V / V2V Migration Prerequisites For Windows are here:

1. Make sure that the Converter Standalone server machine has network access to the Windows source machine.

2. Turn off firewall applications and Defender Antivirus running on the source machine.

3. Disable simple file sharing on the source Windows machine.

Read more: P2V Migration Error: VMware vCenter Converter insufficient permissions to connect to admin$

4. Stop or disable anti-virus software running on the source machine.

If Firewall / Anti-virus is running, you will get this error : P2V Migration Error: Unable to complete converter agent installation error code 1603

5. Turn off User Account Control (UAC) or use local administrator account on the source machine.

6. If you are logged in as a member of the local Administrators group, you must disable the User Account Control: You must reboot for the changes to take effect.

7. Remove any attached Pen drive or removal disk from Physical machine.

8. You must have the Windows / Linux – local administrator / root account credential.

9. Check Windows update should not pending to install in Windows OS

10. Uninstall unused ,obsolete software’s on the System

11. Apply Patches and updates to bring Windows OS and applications to the current

12. Backup Application and data

( Optional ). Check HDD / SSD Disk bad sector before migration if you have any doubt on disk performance or data corruption event.

Read also : Nutanix Move Migration Guide

P2V / V2V Migration Prerequisites For Linux

If you want to migrate the Physical to Virtual P2V / Virtual to Virtual V2V – Linux based system – RHEL, CentOs, Ubuntu etc. need to follow migration prerequisites for Linux.

P2V / V2V Migration Prerequisites For Linux are here :

1. Make sure that the Converter Standalone server machine has network access to the Windows source machine.

2. Remove any attached Pen drive or removal disk from Physical machine.

3. You must have the root account credential.

(Optional) If you don’t have root credential but have user of root group member’s right then you have to follow this post – Linux P2V Migration Error: Make sure that you can run sudo without entering a password – Troubleshooting


I hope, you got the detailed information about P2V / V2V Physical / Virtual Windows / Linux Servers migration prerequisites with best practice.

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