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Nutanix Support Number

Nutanix Customer Tech Supprt Toll Free Phone Number

Nutanix Customer Tech Support Toll Free Phone Number

Nutanix Support Toll free Tech / Technical Customer Support phone number for more than 42 countries world wide is here: India, US & International, US Virgin Islands, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Australia, China – Local Language Support, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan – Local Language Support, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.

Nutanix Support Center List

Nutanix Customer Tech / Technical Support Center has opened in more than 42 countries world wide.

Nutanix World Wide Customer Tech / Technical Support Center countries name list is here:

  1. India ( Bangalore and Pune )
  2. US & International
  3. US Virgin Islands
  4. Canada
  5. Argentina
  6. Brazil
  7. Colombia
  8. Chile
  9. Mexico
  10. Peru
  11. Australia
  12. China – Local Language Support
  13. Hong Kong
  14. Indonesia
  15. Japan – Local Language Support
  16. Korea, Malaysia
  17. New Zealand
  18. Singapore
  19. Taiwan
  20. Thailand
  21. Belgium
  22. Denmark
  23. Estonia
  24. Finland
  25. France
  26. Germany
  27. Ireland
  28. Israel
  29. Italy
  30. Latvia
  31. Lithuania
  32. Netherlands
  33. Norway
  34. Portugal
  35. Russia
  36. Saudi Arabia
  37. South Africa
  38. Spain
  39. Sweden
  40. Switzerland
  41. United Arab Emirates and
  42. United Kingdom

Nutanix Tech Support Zone

Nutanix Customer Tech Support is divided in four zones as per country geo-location.

Nutanix World Wide Tech Support zones are:

  1. US / Canada
  2. Latin America
  3. APAC
  4. EMEA

Nutanix Net Promoter Score ( NPS )

Nutanix is the world leader in HCI and cloud enabled technology even leader in Net Promoter Score in excellent satisfactory in Nutanix Customer Tech Support service.

Nutainx customer tech support satisfaction and excellence Net Promoter Score ( NPS ) is 90 or above. That is the highest Net Promoter Score wold wide achieved by the Nutanix Tech support.

Nutanix Tech Support Phone Number List

Nutanix has World Wide Customer Tech Support center in more than 42 countries an each country has its own local regional Nutanix Customer Tech Support Toll Free Phone Number.

Nutanix World Wide Customer Tech Support Toll Free Support phone Number list is here:

For more Nutanix Tech Support info click here


Nutanix world wide Tech Support Toll Free is number is available for most of the each country.

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