Nutanix NGT Tool Setup Failed ErrorNutanix NGT Tool Setup Failed Error

Nutanix cluster has build-in tool called Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT ) need to install in Windows and Linux VMs for extra functionality like VM Mobility, VSS, File level restore etc.

But while installing Nutanix Guest tool ( NGT ) in Windows VM get failure errors like Nutanix VM Mobility Setup Fails with the Error Status : 1603 error , service failure, Invalid Function error, guest agent service installation failed error.

Nutanix NGT Tool Installation Failed Error
Nutanix NGT Tool Installation Failed Error

You can check Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT ) logs in following path

C:\Program Files\Nutanix\config\*

Logs will be like this Example :

ExecuteSilently:  Command = cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files\Nutanix\Python27\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Nutanix\python\bin\" "--startup=Auto" "install""
ExecuteSilently:  Exit code: 0x1
ExecuteSilently:  Error message: Incorrect function.

MSI (s) (84:58) [07:41:49:739]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (24) of type 790531 for thread 14088
MSI (s) (84:58) [07:41:49:739]: Note: 1: 2769 2: InstallGuestAgent 3: 1
MSI (s) (84:58) [07:41:49:739]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
MSI (s) (84:58) [07:41:49:739]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 2769
MSI (s) (84!08) [07:41:49:786]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
MSI (s) (84!08) [07:41:49:786]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1709
MSI (s) (84!08) [07:41:49:786]: Product: Nutanix Guest Agent -- Incorrect function.
cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files\Nutanix\Python27\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Nutanix\python\bin\" "--startup=Auto" "install""

If you are facing the same above issue during Nutanix NGT tool installation and want to resolve this.

Then follow the steps to resolve this issue

Nutanix NGT Tool Troubleshooting

Nutanix NGT tool may have multiple reasons of installation failure error,
so we need to try many solutions to resolve this encounter problem.

Solution 1

Nutanix NGT tool installation required few services must be running in Windows VM as mentioned below

  • Windows Installer service
  • Windows Management Instrumentation service

What is Windows Installer Service

Windows Installer Service is Adds, modifies, and removes applications provided as a Windows Installer (*.msi, *.msp) package. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

What is Windows Management Instrumentation service

Windows Management Instrumentation service provides a common interface and object model to access management information about operating system, devices, applications and services. If this service is stopped, most Windows-based software will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

Determine Windows services status

Step 1 : Login to target Windows VM, you want install Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT )

Step 2 : Open Run command or CMD Commmand prompt and type


Step 3 : Determine the Windows OS services status

Start Windows Services
Start Windows Services

As shown in screenshot red marked Windows services are not running

We have to start both Windows services manually to do right click on each service and click to start option

Step 4 : After successfully start the Windows services, Now try to install Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT ) again.

If you don’t get success or display same error message display during NGT installation then switch to solution 2

Solution 2

Retrieve and reset the WMI repository by using the following steps.

Disable and stop the WMI service from an elevated command prompt.

sc config winmgmt start= disabled

net stop winmgmt

Run the following commands.

winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%\System32\wbem 

winmgmt /resetrepository %windir$\System32\wbem

Re-enable the WMI service.

sc config winmgmt start= auto

Reboot the VM.

Retry the NGT install again.

If the problem persists, continue to rebuild the repository as follows.

Disable and stop the WMI service from an elevated CMD prompt.

sc config winmgmt start= disabled

net stop winmgmt

Rename the repository folder to repository.old.

Path: %windir%\System32\wbem\repository

Re-enable the WMI service.

sc config winmgmt start= auto

Reboot the VM and attempt re-install of NGT.

If the problem persists switch to solution 3

Solution 3

I would recommend to update the Windows OS to latest patches and take reboot of the Windows VM then try to install Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT )

If the problem persists switch to solution 4

Solution 4

If the problem persists, Install fresh Windows VM and perform the Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT ) install as a local administrator, attempt the install before joining to a domain.

If the problem persists switch to solution 5

Solution 5

If above 4 solutions didn’t work for you then download the latest Windows Operating System ISO Image from Microsoft website, create fresh VM then try to install Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT ).


One solution out of 5 will 100% work depends on your virtualized Nutanix environment so try all described troubleshooting solutions and steps.

You will get success to install the Nutanix Guest Tool ( NGT ) in Windows VM.

Thanks to reach out on Hyper Hci Blog, I hope you learnt something new today.!

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