Nutanix Support CenterNutanix Support Center

This is very exciting news for Nutanix customers and employees to going to have second largest Nutanix customer support center in Pune city India after bengaluru.

Nutanix said the support center will be part of the company’s global service and support function. “Our Pune centre of excellence is yet another example of our commitment to increase our customer satisfaction even further,” Sankalp Saxena, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director, Nutanix India, said in a statement.

Nutanix Customer Support Center

Why Nutanix is investing Millions of dollar in making new customers support center, here is the anwer:

  1. Nutanix customer base is rapidly going high in India.
  2. Current support engineers are not sufficient to handle existing customer’s cases workload.
  3. Need spacey and big support center to handle thousands of customers
  4. Nutanix has set up future business plan to increase more customer base in India.

Benefits of new customer support center

Nutanix would have following benefits of new customer support center in Pune, India.

  • Nutanix will recruit hundreds of new employees from bottom to top level
  • Customer will get quicker response to open support case
  • Support case will close even much faster
  • Nutanix will get benefit in business growth
  • Nutanix would be able to give satisfactory support to tones of up coming customers in future
  • It would give positive impact on nutanix share (NASDAQ: NTNX)

The Nutanix has total number of customer support centers to 10, five of which are based in Asia, highlighting the rising importance Asia plays in the enterprise cloud firm’s regional and global ambitions.
Nutanix has worldwide customer support to their valuable customers.

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