Nutanix End Of Life EOL

Nutanix releases notification of Nutanix Hardware and software life span information like Nutanix End of Life ( EOL ), Nutanix End of Maintenance ( EOM ), Nutanix End of Support Life ( EOSL ) of hardware / nodes / block model and software also that would be end in upcoming months or years.

There is lot of terms that will give different information about Nutanix hardware and software life span, few terms are very confusing or not cleared. So i have mentioned all Nutanix hardware and software’s life span terms here.

Nutanix Products Life Span Terms

Following are the very common and generally using Nutanix products life span related terms that would help you to understand about products life span.

End Of Life (EOL) is the last date that the product is entitled to receive applicable Support. After this date, all Support for the product will become unavailable unless entitled by an active Extended Support contract.

End of Maintenance (EOM) means the product is at the end of Maintenance and Nutanix will only provide Patch Releases primarily for security purposes if necessary. Any Software released after the hardware EOM may not be qualified on this hardware.

End Of Support Life (EOSL) means that all Support will no longer be offered by Nutanix.

Error means any reproducible failure of the Software to perform any material function as set forth in the Documentation.

Long Term Support (LTS) Release means a Software release that Nutanix commits to maintain and support for longer than other releases, to provide greater stability to customers who have longer new feature adoption cycles. In general, an LTS Release is a Maintenance Release and will contain very few (if any) new features and builds upon a mature and proven AOS codebase which customers have been successfully running in their production environments. An LTS release will be designated “LTS” as part of the Software version number. Any release that is not designated as LTS will be deemed to be an STS Release.

Maintenance means the provision of LTS Releases and STS Releases by Nutanix.

Maintenance Release. The number in the “Z” position in the Software version number indicates a Nutanix Software release as a Maintenance Release. A new Maintenance Release has a number of bug fixes and generally does not include new features.

Maintained means that Nutanix will provide Updates that have workarounds and bug fixes for Errors but will not provide Upgrades.

Major Release. The number in the “X” position in the Software version number identifies a Nutanix Software release as a Major Release. A new Major Release has a large feature payload and a number of bug fixes.

Minor Release. The number in the “Y” position in the Software version number identifies a Nutanix Software release as a Minor Release. A new Minor Release has a nominal feature payload and a number of bug fixes.

Mixed Support Level means that the product is covered by different levels of Support contracts in the same cluster.

Short Term Support (STS) Release means a Software release that shall receive Troubleshooting for three (3) months from the Release Date of the next Release that is an Upgrade. The intent of an STS is to allow rapid feature adoption.

Patch Release. The “n” position in the Software version number identifies a Software release as Patch Release. A Patch Release typically has a smaller number of bug fixes than a Maintenance Release. Nutanix may limit the distribution of some Patch Releases.

Release means either an LTS Release or an STS Release.

Release Date means the date a new Upgrade or Update is generally made available.

Software means any Nutanix software licensed to customers as for commercial purposes.

Support means Nutanix support for Nutanix hardware and software related issues and queries. Refer:

Troubleshooting refers to Nutanix Support consisting of phone support and if necessary, the provision of Patch Releases primarily for security purposes.

Update means either a Maintenance Release or a Patch Release.

Upgrade means either a Minor Release or a Major Release.

End-of-Sale Announcement Date means The date the document that announces theend of sale and end of life of a product is distributed to the general public.

End-of-Sale Date means The last date to order the product. The product is no longer for sale after this date.

Hardware Last Ship Date means The last-possible ship date that can be requested of.Actual ship date is dependent on lead time.

End of Service Contract Renewal Date means The last date to extend or renew a service contract.
Note: The contract cannot be renewed past the EOL Date (Last Date of Support)


Nutanix Software End of Support Life (EOSL) summary is here:

Upgrades and Maintenance Updates Yes N/A
Support Contract renewal Yes N/A
New features and enhancements Yes N/A
New Hardware support Yes N/A
New security patches Yes N/A
New bug fixes Yes N/A
Existing security patches Yes N/A
Existing bug fixes Yes N/A
Root Cause Analysis Yes N/A
Problem reproduction in Nutanix Support Labs Yes N/A
Create a Support requestWeb and PhoneWeb and Phone
Workarounds for issues Yes Yes
Access to Knowledge Base Yes Yes

Nutanix is announcing the end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for these Intel ​Skylake based platform –NX-3060-G6, NX-1065-G6, NX-8035-G6, NX-8155-G6, NX-3155G-G6​. The​ last day to order ​the affected platform is ​January 31​st​, 2020​.

Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support from the Nutanix support as shown in Table 1 of the EOL bulletin. Customers are encouraged to migrate to the newly released ​Cascade Lake based platform – NX-3060-G7, NX-1065-G7, NX-8035-G7,NX-8155-G7, NX-3155G-G7.

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