Nutanix cluster port numbersNutanix cluster port numbers
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Every communication device in the world needs network ports number to communicate with other devices interconnected in the network.

Nutanix Controller VM CVM has predefined reserved networking ports number for inter and outer communication with CVM , Hypervisor –AHV, VMware Esxi, Hyper-V etc.

Therefore Nutanix Controller VM CVM has own ports list for CVM to CVM communication in Nutanix Cluster.

Network ports are using by Nutanix cluster components, Controller VM (CVM) and AHV or other supported hypervisors for communicate with each other using networking ports to sharing information to work in designed architecture.

Nutanix HCI is designed with many cluster components and services to invent the hyper-converged architecture to run any type of production workload on Nutanix cluster.

Ports for external access to CVMs

These externsl networking ports are using by Nutanix Controller VM CVM for external access of Nutanix CVM from outside of the cluster.

Port(s)Reserved For
2009 and 2020Remote site replication
2100Cluster and IP address configuration
80 or 8443Remote support tunnel (outgoing connection to service centers and
9440Management interface (web console, nCLI)

Reserved Ports for CVM-CVM communication

This table contains Nutanix Controller VM CVM to CVM network port list that’s reserved for various components in Nutanix.

Port(s)Reserved For
1-1500System ports
2011Chronos Master
2012Chronos Node
2013Transfer Manager
2014Alert Manager
2015Deduplicated Object Store
2017Stats Aggregator Monitor
80/2019Prism Monitor port
2021Cerebro Reverse Connection Server
2023Stats Aggregator
2025Arithmos (NDFS Cluster)
2025Insights Proxy (Multicluster)
2026Block Store Server
2027Insights DB Server
2028Insights Receiver
2029Insights Uploader
2030Hyperint OR Acropolis
2031Hyperint Monitor
2032Hyperint JMX
2033Acropolis Hyperint slave
2035Arithmos (Multicluster)
2040Cassandra Monitor http port
2041Dynamic ring changer http port
2042Nusights Server
2043Nusights DB Server
2044Nusights Server Debug Port
2049Mount/NFS RPC service
2050Microsegmentation service
2060Atlas SDN Controller Service
2073Nutanix Guest Tools
2074Nutanix Guest Tools Guest Server
2075Connection Splicer Http port
2088Orion Service
2101NCC HTTP server for file upload to host
2102Upgrade finish script server
2103Cluster Sync RPC Server
2337Apps server
2525SMTP tunnel to Nutanix
2601R server old port
2602Capacity Planning sizer service port
2605Analytics rest server
2606-2610R server ports
2700Cluster health server
2333Search Service
3000-3099SSH tunnel entry ports to remote Cerebro
3260Stargate iSCSI adapter
3261Stargate iSCSI adapter
3262Stargate iSCSI adapter
4000-4099SSH tunnel entry ports to remote Prism
4100-4300nuCalm reserved ports
5050Nusights Receiver port
5432nuCalm Postgresql port
5500-6500X/VNC ports
5988/5989Open Pegasus (CIM Server) HTTP/HTTPS ports resp
6379nuCalm Redis port
7000Cassandra internal storage port
7501Minerva CVM RPC service port
7502Minerva NVM RPC service port
7503Minerva Store RPC service port
7504Minerva Diagnostics Server Page
7505Minerva Local Vscand RPC service port
7506Minerva Remote Vscand RPC service port
7777Apache2 (serving Nagios)
7778NRPE (Nagios agents)
8050Placement solver service port
8080Cassandra JMX
8081Cassandra JMX HTTP
8090Epsilon Karan port
9005Tomcat shutdown port
9041Metis platform qualification
9080Tomcat connector that hosts Prism
9081Host agent HTTP server
9082Stats subscriber port
9160Cassandra Thrift RPC
9161Cassandra Proto RPC
9440Local Http(s) redirect port for Prism
9443Secure Tomcat connector that hosts Prism
9444Intent gateway
9445ABAC service
9446Kafka service
9447Aplos Engine service
9449-9460Reserved for future intent services
9461Cluster Config service
9877Zookeeper monitor
9880Mantle port for clients and peers.
9999Cadmus listening for Netflow stats
2888Zookeeper peer port (inter-node traffic)
3888Zookeeper leader election port
12000-12099VMFS ISCSI request ports
62000-62999ISCSI Target ports for Shared LUNs

I tried to deliver maximum ports list which is used by Nutanix HCI.
If you have something to share please mention in comment.!

Read also Nutanix HCI infrastructure network port list those need to be opened on firewall for internet access.

Thanks to being here.! Enjoy HyperHCI Blog 🙂

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Awesome. Very helpful
