Nutanix AHV networking diagramNutanix AHV networking diagram

Nutanix released one more advisory regarding Open vSwitch (OVS) in rare conditions may cause the AHV host to loop packets back to the network.

Versions Affected:

All AHV versions prior to AHV 20170830.265


An issue was discovered in the Open vSwitch (OVS) that could cause an AHV host to incorrectly loop inbound packets back to the same network it was received on. This issue may result in an excessive number of MAC table moves/updates, potentially resulting in network connectivity issues


To resolve this issue, Nutanix recommends upgrading the AHV hosts to AHV 20170830.265 or later. Please refer to the compatibility matrix for supported AOS versions.
Nutanix Field Advisory #65 v1

AHV 20170830.265 can be downloaded from the links below:

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