cisco webex vs zoomcisco webex vs zoom

Few days back i logged a case with nutanix support regarding nutanix technical issue in cluster, which is common in IT industry and an engineer was aligned on my case to look into the issue.

I asked him to drop me an email so that i can share my laptop screen to him for nutanix cluster troubleshooting. I was expecting cisco webex meeting link as usual nutanix engineers send in enclosed email.

Zoom Meeting Invite

But i was surprised to see, do you know what ??

It was ZOOM meeting invite link

Okay no worry just keep the Zoom aside and i will thing about later, right away Nutanix engineer started troubleshooting and resolved the issue in couple of minutes.

After two days later i thought about why nutanix is using Zoom ?
is nutanix switching on ZOOM ? May be.!

Zoom Price And Features

Compared the Features and plans and operating system support

I found that zoom is really better to go because it provides unlimited period free account and lowest pricing for personal and business plans.
Zoom really supports Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS operating systems.

Zoom won 😉

#Enjoy Nutanix with HyerHCI 🙂
