What is Nutanix Multi-node PC

Nutanix Multi Node PC

Nutanix Mutl-node PC ( Prism Central ) is the free software version built for Nutanix Community Edition ( CE ) only to take test drive the Nutanix HCI platform.

Multi-node PC is free of cost for test drive the Nutanix HCI platform.

Nutanix Multi node PC doesn’t provide advance feature support on Community Support CE. As stated in the end user license agreement, Community Edition is intended for internal business operations and non-production use only.

The Nutanix Community Edition of AOS , AHV and Multi node PC is designed for testing purpose only, Who are interested in test driving its main features on their own test hardware and infrastructure.

Read more : Nutanix Community Edition official Document

Karbon Does not support Multi node PC

Nutanix Karbon doesn’t support Mult-node PC to install the Kubernetes cluster on Nutanix Community Edition CE.

If you want to install the Nutanix Karbon – Kubernetes cluster then you need install Nutanix Multi-cluster PC in your Nutanix environment.

Read more : Nutanix Karbon Integrated with Kubernetes Platform

Multi-node PC Vs Multi-cluster PC ?

To built the Mulit node PC and Multi cluster PC have different purpose as mentioned below :

Nutanix Multi Node PC

Nutanix Multi node PC is developed for testing the Nutanix HCI platform to using Nutanix simulator software called Nutanix Community Edition ( Nutanix CE ).

So that interested IT geek can experience Nutanix HCI products and become friendly to use it.

Nutanix Multi Cluster PC

Nutanix Multi cluster PC is the full-feature software stack developed for enterprise grade for customers to use the advance features of Nutanix Multi cluster environment.

Multi cluster PC has licensing cost on per node basis.

Nutanix Multi Cluster PC can manage Nutanix multiple Prism Element clusters from single pan of glass to integrate the Nutanix Prism element cluster with Nutanix Multi-cluster PC – Prism Central.

Read more : How to Install Nutanix Community Edition CE ?


So, Nutanix Multi-node PC vs Multi-cluster PC both are the same software product but purpose of using it is diffenet where Multi-node PC is light and made for simulate the Nutanix environment testing drive purpose only where Multi-cluster PC is made for enterprise grade with full software stack and feature with licensing cost.

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