If you are using Nutanix HCI with VMware vSphere ESXi hypervisor and want to manually stop / start / shutdown the Nutanix vSphere cluster / ESXi host / ESXi node with Best practice.
The Best practice to shutdown / stop / start the Nutanix vSphere cluster / Nutanix ESXi node / Nutanix vSphere ESXi cluster is very simple as you usually shutdown the normal VMware ESXi cluster.
Just need to take care few things before shutdown / stop / start the Nutanix ESXi node / host / cluster.
Read more: Nutanix In-Place Hypervisor Conversion | ESXi – AHV
Shutdown Nutanix ESXi Node / Host Only
If you wan to shutdown the single Nutanix VMWare vSphere ESXi node / host then follow this procedure:
Login to Nutanix Prism Web based Console and follow Steps
Nutanix Cluster Health Status
Step 1 : First – Check Nutanix cluster “Data Resiliency Status” That must be “OK”
Note: If Nutanix ” Data Resiliency Status” is not “OK” wait for 10-15 minutes. If it doesn’t turn “OK” then connect to Nutanix support.

Step 2: Check the Nutanix HCI cluster health
Go Home > Health > Action > Run NCC Checks > Run

Step 3: After putting Nutanix vSphere ESXi host / node in maintenance mode shutdown the Nutanix CVM
Login to host’s Nutanix CVM and Shutdown through following command:
cvm$ cvm_shutdown -P now
Note: Always use the cvm_shutdown -P now command to power off, reset, or shutdown the Controller VM. The cvm_shutdown -P now command notifies the cluster that the Controller VM is unavailable.
Step 4: Now put the ESXi host / node in maintenance mode to follow procedure:
From the vCenter Web Console
Before shutting down VMware ESXi hosts / nodes, ensure that the hosts are put into maintenance mode.
To enter maintenance mode from the vCenter Web Console:
- Browse to the host in the vCenter Web Client navigator.
- Right-click the host and click Enter Maintenance Mode.
- Click Yes to enter maintenance mode.
Read more: Evacuate \ Remove Nutanix AHV ESXI Node from Cluster
Get Nutanix Infra Default Credentials
- From the vCenter Web Console, navigate to the host you want to shut down.
- Right-click the host and click Shutdown.
Read also: How to Shutdown Nutanix AHV Host and Nutanix CVM
Shutdown / Stop Nutanix vSphere Cluster
If you want to completely stop / shutdown the Nutanix and VMware vSphere cluster to best Practice then you need to follow following procedure:
Login to Nutanix Prism Web based Console and follow Steps
Nutanix Cluster Health Status
Step 1 : First – Check Nutanix cluster “Data Resiliency Status” That must be “OK”
Step 2: Check the Nutanix HCI cluster health
Go Home > Health > Action > Run NCC Checks > Run
Shutdown Virtual Machines VMs
Step 3: Shutdown the all Guest running VMs.
Step 4: Shutdown VMware vCenter VM
Read more: Nutanix AHV Supported Guest OS List
Shutdown / Stop Nutanix Cluster
Step 5: Login to any Nutanix CVM and stop the Nutanix cluster to run following command:
cvm$ echo y | cluster stop
Step 6: Login to each Nutanix CVM and Shutdown through following command:
cvm$ cvm_shutdown -P now
Note: Do not power off, reset, or shutdown the Controller VM in any way other than the cvm_shutdown -P now command to ensure that the cluster is aware that the Controller VM is unavailable.
After shutdown / stop the Nutanix vsphere cluster, need to shutdown the all ESXi nodes / hosts as shown below:
Shutdown vSphere ESXi Nodes / Hosts
Step 7: Now put each ESXi host / node in maintenance mode then shutdown each Nutanix VMWare ESXi node / host to follow procedure:
From the vSphere Web Client
Before shutting down VMware ESXi hosts / nodes, ensure that the hosts are put into maintenance mode.
To enter maintenance mode from the vSphere Web Client:
- Browse to the host in the vSphere Web Client navigator.
- Right-click the host and click Enter Maintenance Mode.
- Click Yes to enter maintenance mode.
- From the vSphere Web client, navigate to the host you want to shut down.
- Right-click the host and click Shutdown.
OR – From Direct Console User Interface ( DCUI )
- From the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) screen, press F12 to view the shutdown-related options for the ESXi host.
Press F2 to shut down.
OR – SSH to each VMware ESXi host / node
- From Local or Remote Tech Support Mode, or from an SSH session, run one of these commands:
Run the following command to shut down the host.
root# Poweroff
Congratulations you Nutanix vSphere node / cluster has shutdown.!
Read Also: How To Shutdown And Start Nutanix AHV Cluster
Start Nutanix vSphere Cluster
To start the Nutanix vSphere cluster just need follow simple steps are:
Step 1: Power-on the VMware ESXi hosts / nodes
Note: Wait to boot the VMware ESXi hosts / nodes and Nutanix CVM should be pingable.
Step 2: Start Nutanix HCI Cluster to login to any Nutanix CVM and run following command:
cvm$ cluster start
Step 3: Now Login to Nutanix Prism and power-on the vCenter VM and other Guest VMs. to using Nutanix Prism Supports Top 5 Web Browsers
Wait for 5 -10 minutes to boot up the vCenter and Guest VMs.
Read also: Enable Nutanix CVM, AHV Maintenance mode
Congratulations – Your Nutanix HCI – vSphere cluster is up and running.!
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