Nutanix Host’s NIC Down False Alert: Link on NIC eth# is down

Nutanix host Link on NIC eth# is down false alert

If you have done recently deployment of Nutanix HCI infra and Nutanix Prism prompts NIC Link down false Alert Message: ‘Nutanix Link on NIC eth# of host xx.xx.xx.xx is down’. Don’t worry about this Nutanix node / host link on NIC eth# is down false alert message, i am going to share the solution to fix / resolve it in few minutes troubleshooting steps.

Lets explore the reason and solution of Nutanix Link on NIC down on node / host false alert prompts by Nutanix Prism.

Step 1: Get the Nutnaix NIC Down on host / node alert list from Nutanix ncli command to run it on any Nutanix CVM in the Nutanix cluster

nutanix@CVM:~$ ncli alert ls

Above Command Output:

ID                              : dec0f4f1-4b05-44ac-8f1g-74bn9q14c142
Message : Link on NIC eth0 of host xx.xx.xx.xx is down.
NIC description : Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller 10G X550T (rev 01)
Severity : kWarning
Title : NIC link down on host xx.xx.xx.xx

Note : Host is showing one warning regarding Link on NIC eth0 of host xx.xx.xx.xx is down that is false alert.

Step 2: Print the Nutanix Node / Host NICs status : UP / Down to run following command:

nutanix@CVM$ cat /home/nutanix/data/serviceability/check_cvm_health_job_state.json

Above command output

================== xx.xx.xx.xx =================
"eth3": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788334
"eth2": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788334
"eth0": {
"Status": "Down",
"Timestamp": 1570712613

Note: eth0 is manually disconnected because we are not using it any more, but showing NIC status is DOWN, that why Nutanix Prism is prompting Link on NIC eth# is down on host / node false alert frequently.


There could be a reason of NIC down on Nutanix host / node false alert, that the Nutanix CVM has stale / old entry of this NICs state, when NICs was connected to the host / node and now you are not using that NIC any more. But Nutanix CVM did not remove the stale / old entry from the NICs status file after disconnected the NICs from Nutanix host / node.

Lets fix / resolve the Nutanix Link on NIC eth# is down on host / node false alert issue to follow the given steps:

Step 1: Just run following command to remove the NIC stale entry from Nutanix CVM

nutanix@CVM$ rm /home/nutanix/data/serviceability/check_cvm_health_job_state.json

Step 2: Check the NIC down false alert status to run following command

nutanix@CVM$ ncc health_checks network_checks nic_link_down_check --cvm_list=<CVM_IP_Address>

Step 3: Validate the NICs UP / Down link status to run following command

nutanix@CVM$ cat /home/nutanix/data/serviceability/check_cvm_health_job_state.json

Above command output

There should not be any DOWN NIC link entry in this file as shown below:

================== xx.xx.xx.xx =================
"eth3": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788334
"eth2": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788334
}================== xx.xx.xx.xy =================
"eth3": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788176
"eth2": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788176
}================== xx.xx.xx.xz =================
"eth3": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788368
"eth2": {
"Status": "Up",
"Timestamp": 1570788368

I hope, after performing above commands issue have resolved.!


This is not a common issue but sometimes if you have intentionally disconnected the NICs from Nutanix host(s) and NICs are not using any more due to some reason then you may receive ‘ Nutanix Link on NIC eth# on host is down’ alert untill you reconnect the NICs cable or remove the stale entry from the Nutanix CVM’s NICs status files.

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