My thousands of blog followers ask me how to make your blog website as default search engine through simple trick to search content and read hyperconverged technology techie topics to gain more exciting knowledge.
Lets make blog your chrome tab default search engine.
It simple as you tweet in twitter.
Step 1 : Open google chrome browser (Minimum version must be 73.xx.xx)
if you do not have it please download latest google chrome browser
Step 2 : Hit my website URL in browser address search bar
#Magic start from here 😉
Step 3 : Click on chrome address bar to edit address,
In right hand side of address bar see ” Press Tab to search HyperHCI” option

Step 4 : Keep you blinking cursor “|” in address bar & just press Tab key or hit single space key from your keyboard to see magic.
Now has become your chrome tab default search engine until you close this tab.

Step 5 : Now you search content like below

Enjoy as default search engine 🙂
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