Nutanix welcome banner / Nutanix login banner is a security warning information highly recommended in crucial data security organizations to warn unauthorized access geeks & hackers. Nutanix also provide welcome or login banner functionality in Nutanix Prism, Prism central web console.
Nutanix Login Banner
- What is Nutanix Welcome Banner / Nutanix Login Banner
- Nutanix Login Banner Benefits
- Nutanix Login Banner message template
- Enable Nutanix Login Banner in Nutanix Prism & Prism Central
- Insert Gif Image in Nutanix Prism & Prism Central Login Banner
Read also: Change Nutanix Prism Element and Prism Central Password
What is Nutanix Login Banner
Login banners provide a definitive warning to any possible intruders that may want to access your system that certain types of activity are illegal i.e unauthorized access. Login banner is usually just a text that gets displayed every time a person logs on, it contains some security warning information or general information.
Nutanix Login Banner Benefits
Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner has following benefits:
- Display a warning message before the password login prompt
- It warns unauthorized access geeks and hacker to keep away
- It has power to send you in prison doing any illegal activity
Read also: How To Change Nutanix CVM, AHV and IPMI Passwords
Login Banner message template
############### WARNING #############
” Notice to All Users (Authorized or Unauthorized)“
This computer system is the property of the organization. Users have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy. Any or all uses of this system and all data on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized sites and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies.
It is for authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action, civil charges/criminal penalties.
LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the conditions stated in this warning.
Configure Nutanix Login Banner
To configure the Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner in Nutanix Prism, Prism central have to follow – following steps:
Step 1: Log in to Nutanix Prism / Prism Central web console > Gear Icon * > Welcome banner
Refer – Nutanix Prism default credential
Nutanix Prism / Prism Central – Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner screenshot

Options description
- [] Enable Banner: Enable check mark on it to enable welcome banner in prism
- Preview: After write down HTML code or simple text message in Black box click on [Preview] button to show your banner preview.
- Save : After welcome banner is set, now check mark on [^]Enable Banner & save it
Read also: Enable Nutanix Login Banner in CVM and AHV
Insert Images in Login Banner
If you wish – you can insert your desired image / logo in Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner to make it more attractive and informative.
Nutanix Login banner / Welcome banner restrictions
- Only support Safe HTML tags
- Inline event handlers, scripts, and externally-sourced graphics are not allowed.
- Images to be copy in web directory on all CVMs in the cluster.
Follow the following steps to insert the image / logo in Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner.
Step 1: You need to copy images to the web directory on all CVMs in the cluster included Nutanix Prism / Nutanix Prism Central
- You can use and download Download WinSCP or Download Filezilla to copying image in CVMs.
Web directory path for all Nutanix CVMs / Nutanix Prism Central VM is following:
Step 2: After image copied in all CVMs web directory path, Now Go ahead for next step
Step 3: Log in to Nutanix Prism / Prism Central web console > Gear Icon * > Welcome banner
- Write HTML code in Black box
<img src="/console/image_name.extension" style="width:150px;height:150px"
Showing the output after insert the image in Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner in Nutanix Prism / Prism Central

Step 4: Hit Save to commit changes.
Now your Nutanix Prism / Prism central Login banner / welcome banner is set to display #WARNING# with image / logo.
Disable Nutanix Login Banner
To disable Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner in Nutanix Prism / Nutanix Prism Central have to following single step.
Step 1: Log in to Nutanix Prism / Prism Central web console > Gear Icon * > Welcome banner > Uncheck Enable Banner option.
Now your Nutanix Prism / Prism central Login banner / welcome banner is disabled to display #WARNING#.
Nutanix Login banner / welcome banner is very useful to give warning to avoid any unauthorized access by anyone.
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